Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Adapting to climate change- The Economic Times: "The polluter-pay-principle, applied in most countries for local air, water and land pollution, needs to be applied also in the case of global pollution due to GHG emissions, largely by developed countries.

If you can�t fight it, get ready to suffer it� was one of the messages that emerged from 11th meeting of Conference of Parties (COP 11) at Montreal early this month. Nearly 9,400 participants attended the event that included 2,800 government officials; 5,800 representatives of UN agencies, international and non-government organisations and 840 media professionals.

The earlier spirit and fervour of �combating global warming� have been side-stepped to make room for the fact that climate change is inevitable, no matter how hard we try. Already 800 billion tonnes of green house gases, nearly 80% of which emitted by the industrial countries have accumulated in the atmosphere. They will have their impact. Consequently, there was a lot more focus on adaptation.

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