Thursday, March 16, 2006

RDF ontologies for spatial annotation

location based services

Spatial ontologies describe the metadata model behind a world model. They might state that a River is a kind of Body of Water is a kind of Spatial Feature. Ontologies can be used for machine reasoning, and for automatically mapping the features of one metadata model to another. (for example a Straat or Calle is equivalent to Street).

Locative Packets are an RDF recipe, co-developed for spin-offs from this work, for representing spatially- and temporally- annotated hypermedia with a set of recommended vocabularies.

You could send XML data about features using the OGC Web Feature Service. Ideally RDF can provide a bridge between, and non-geospatial augmentation of, these services.

original spacenamespace ontology - derived from GeoNet data for the UK, with some additions over the course of building mudlondon

geo Ontologies at mindswap.
RDF 2d geometry
NASA spatial ontologies
spatial vocabulary from CYC

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