Saturday, April 15, 2006

Crying wolf again --- This will prove to be just another howler

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Stark warning over climate change: "The Earth is likely to experience a temperature rise of at least 3C, the UK government's chief scientist says.

Professor Sir David King warned this would happen because world governments were failing to agree on cutting emissions of greenhouse gases.

He told the BBC that nations had to act now to tackle the warming expected to happen over the next 100 years.

And he said even if a global agreement could be reached on limiting emissions, climate change was inevitable.

The UK government and the EU want to try to stabilise the climate at an increase of no more than 2C, but the US refuses to cut emissions and those of India and China are rising quickly.

A recent report called Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change, produced by the Hadley Centre, one of the top world centres for projecting future climate, modelled the likely effects of a 3C rise.

It warned the situation could wreck half the world's wildlife reserves, destroy major forest systems, and put 400 million more people at risk of hunger.

I do not think enough countries really see it as a serious issue... yet!!
Tom McLaughlan, Western Isles, UK

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Professor King told BBC Radio 4's Today Programme: 'We don't have to succumb to a state of despondency where we say that th"

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