Thursday, March 22, 2007

Blunt Calls For Balance in Debate on Climate Change

Blunt Calls For Balance in Debate on Climate Change

House Republican WhipRoy Blunt (Mo.) released the following statement this afternoon afterformer Vice President Al Gore's testimony before a joint hearing of twoHouse subcommittees: "The global phenomenon of climate change is an issue that stretchesbeyond the boundaries of domestic affairs, with the potential to impact notonly the long-term health of our planet, but the near- and long-term wellbeing of our institutions of economic growth. "It's to the vice president's credit that he set aside some time tocome in and share his views. Most reasonable lawmakers and citizens knowthat there's a proper balance to be struck between environmentalstewardship and economic development. And while Mr. Gore spent much of histime talking about the former, this Congress should not be distracted fromconsidering the serious implications of the latter as well. "When it comes to measuring economic impact, Congress has aresponsibility to consider not only the costs, but the people who will paythe price. Increasing what consumers pay to heat their homes and drivetheir cars represents a form of regressive taxation, and signing ontointernational treaties limiting the ability of developing nations toprovide a better life for their people is a moral authority no country canclaim. "The issue of climate change demands a full and thoughtful study of thefacts -- both as they relate to the causes and effects of climate change,as well as the consequences of a pell-mell rush to impose unilateral capson human and economic activity. To the extent that debate was furtheredtoday, and more facts were brought to bear, I consider it a welcomedevelopment."

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