Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Can't have yellow cake and eat it too

While Ziggy Switkowski fiddles with the possibility of a nuclear energy future for Australia, the federal government continues to do nothing about the country's rising level of greenhouse gas pollution.

It shouldn't come as a surprise to Prime Minister John Howard that, according to the Switkowski report released today, it could take up to 20 years and tens of billions of dollars to get a nuclear industry up and running.

There are a stack of hurdles to overcome: the lack of regulatory framework for such a dangerous industry, opposition from state governments and the public about the location of the reactors, the absence of technical staff and expertise to run them, the as yet unsolved problem of how and where to dispose of the industry's highly radioactive waste ... just to name a few.

But all of these issues have been raised before by energy experts, environmentalists and the Opposition.

The biggest hurdle of all is that without a carbon price, nuclear energy simply cannot compete with coal. Knowing that Switkowski would point this out, Mr Howard softened his position last week on carbon emissions trading.

He has set up another task force to examine that question. There's also a task force examining another Howard favourite - capturing carbon from coal-fired power plants and burying it underground or under the sea. No one has quite managed to do this yet and if they do, it will also cost money.

That's a hat-trick of task forces examining would be, could be and maybe solutions to climate change.

Meanwhile, Australia's renewable energy sector is stalling because of a lack of government support.

Wind turbine manufacturers are closing up shop, solar power experts have moved to Germany and Japan where interest in sustainable, clean power is strong, while alternative base load power sources such as geothermal, are being ignored.

At the same time, one of the easiest ways to reduce our emissions - improving our energy efficiency - never rates a mention here.

Likewise, you won't hear the Federal Government talk about curbing demand for energy, or about thinking of new ways to provide power when we need it most - that is, on the hottest days.

Nor has there been much federal focus on reducing emissions from the transport sector or from land clearing, which has declined in Queensland, but continues almost unchecked in NSW.

But the true measure of the Prime Minister's position on tackling climate change is his desire to protect Australia's most energy intensive industries, such as aluminium and cement.

If Mr Howard believes nuclear power really could play a role in cutting greenhouse gas pollution he will have to accept a price on carbon. That will significantly push up the price of electricity. And that will erode our much-vaunted competitive advantage.

Mr Howard can't have his yellow cake and eat it too.

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