Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Fundamentals of the U.S. Natural Gas Industry: "The extreme volatility of natural gas prices has created significant opportunities and major risks for a wide variety of industry players. What if you knew which tactics to try� and which to steer clear of? This two-session seminar will bring you up-to-speed on the new rules of this dynamic industry. Click Here to Register
What You will Learn (Session #1)
The terminology, concepts and mechanics of the natural gas industry and how the natural gas business functions along each segment of the delivery value chain.

Essential definitions and quantitative unit conversions for natural gas wholesale and retail transactions.

Who the key industry participants are and how they manage gas supplies for their respective segment.

How natural gas is regulated and how it evolved to today's 'open access' regulated environment.

The essentials of Physical Market Hubs, Electronic Trading Exchanges and Market Centers.

The role of suppliers and marketers and how end-users can evaluate their requirements, strengths, weaknesses and competitive position.

What You will Learn (Session #2)

The fundamentals of gas transportation, pooling, nominations, confirmations, scheduling and balancing through the delivery chain.

How and why the current natural gas market is undergoing dramatic price changes and price volatility and the impacts on the downstream markets.

Natural gas pricing concepts and mechanisms, and the essentials of basis, commodity pricing and risk management.

How to assess and compare energy services providers and the commodities and services they offer and how to get what you want with effective negotiation tactics.


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