Friday, May 26, 2006

Mobile Gas Showroom Launched As Repat Gets Gas

Deputy Premier Bryan Green has launched Powerco’s unique mobile gas showroom at Hobart’s Repatriation Hospital.
The Repatriation Hospital has converted to gas for its hot water supply saving the facility more than $50,000 a year and providing better pressure and reliability of hot water for patients.
“The showroom – mounted on the back of a small truck – will travel all over the State to promote the benefits of natural gas,” Mr Green said.
“It features a range of information about the benefits of using gas and has cooking and heating appliances and a shower on board.
“As many Tasmanians are discovering, natural gas is environmentally friendly, energy efficient and safe to use.
“The mobile showroom will be used to promote natural gas and educate the community about its benefits as an alternative energy source.
“Given natural gas is new to the Tasmanian market, the mobile showroom enables Powerco to take information direct to the customer.
“It will also be used by industry organisations as an education and awareness tool.
“There has been interest from the Tasmanian Plumbers Association to use the showroom in schools around the State to promote career opportunities within the natural gas industry.
“Having natural gas in Tasmania provides great opportunities for developing the skills of our workforce, especially given that we have skills shortages in a number of areas,” Mr Green said.
He said uptake of natural gas was encouraging and Powerco had committed considerable extra resources to connecting residential and smaller commercial customers as a priority.
“Latest figures show more than 610 residential and smaller commercial customers are connected to the natural gas network and there has been very strong demand for gas with interest increasing.
“Of course it’s highly likely that when the showroom hits the road demand will grow even more which is the aim.
“In April Powerco’s 1800 number received 1200 enquiries.
“During April there were 140 connection requests with 121 connections made,” Mr Green said.

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