Monday, May 29, 2006

Russians harness star power in new battery

Russian scientists have invented a battery that can capture energy not only from the sun, but also from the stars, the head of a research institute at the Dubna Nuclear Institute, near Moscow, said.

"The scientists have successfully created a new substance," Valentin Samoilov announced, "thanks to which this battery can work on earth, independently of meteorological conditions, using solar and stellar energy.

"This is a battery like no other," Samoilov, who head's the Institute's center for applied research, told the Itar-Tass news agency, explaining that it could function 24 hours a day and was twice as effective as an ordinary solar panel at converting light into electricity. Moreover, Samoilov declared, the new battery was cheaper than a solar panel. © 2006 AFP
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PhysOrgForum discussions:
There is a discussion of this news at PhysOrgForum entitled: ` MORE DETAILS PLEASE!!!!!!!!!`There are 81 replies in that topic.The last post was on 29-May-2006The first 5 posts are :
On 25-May-2006 by dnovelli This sounds like it may be one of the most impressive real-world materials science advance in the last decade. Can anyone point us to more details?
On 25-May-2006 by Guest_raf
Impressive... if true!
On 25-May-2006 by BenL.
Yes, I do hope it is true. If it is, it makes my distant wish of huge solar power networks a very large step closer to reality. Again, pretty cool if it is true!
On 25-May-2006 by Jahtom
If true this is another example why science should govern the world, because they can solve our problems.
On 25-May-2006 by BenL.
Jahtom, my thoughts exactly. Our energy dependancy, crisis, etc, can be mostly solved by science! I love it!

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