Monday, May 22, 2006

Nuclear energy debate call 'a sham'. 20/05/2006. ABC News Online

Greens leader Senator Bob Brown has described as "a sham" the Prime Minister's call for a debate on nuclear energy.
Australia and Canada have announced they will cooperate to protect their uranium interests.
Prime Minister John Howard says along with a full-blooded debate on the issue, he wants to keep an open mind on the development of nuclear energy in Australia.
But Senator Brown claims the Prime Minister has already made up his mind.
"His talk about a public debate is a complete sham, he's made up his mind," he said.
"He's had no mandate, but he's got control of the Senate and therefore we are going headlong into becoming a major agent in the nuclear proliferation right around the world."
The Federal Opposition has also condemned the Prime Minister's comments.
Environment spokesman Anthony Albanese says nuclear power would be a nightmare.
"The problems of waste and contribution of proliferation, particularly in the climate of terrorism, where we're not just worried about states, but worried about organisations and individuals, are more dangerous than it's ever been," he said.
"We souldn't have a part of this and Labor won't have a part of this."
Greenpeace says the Prime Minister should have used his trip to Canada to learn why nuclear power is not a viable option.
Steve Shallhorn from Greenpeace says in Canada nuclear power has only driven up the price of electricity and created dangerous amounts of waste.
He says its effect in reducing greenhouse gas emissions is also negligible.
"Nuclear power can only solve a very tiny portion of greenhouse gas problems because electricity is only one source of the problem," he said.
"Nuclear power is not going to solve emissions from aircraft, from the industrial sector or from industrial processes."
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