Friday, July 21, 2006

Alarmists willfully ignore the facts on global warming

Al Gore and his global warming alarmist followers are wrong and are spreading false data and world climate disaster predictions.
Knowledgeable climatologists who continue to show that Gore and his alarmist followers are wrong include Richard Lindzen, the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Atmospheric Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; William M. Gray, Colorado State University’s professor of atmospheric science; and Sallie Baliunas, senior scientist at George C. Marshall Institute and co-host of; and Willie Soon, a physicist in the Solar and Stellar Physics Division of Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
Lindzen’s April 12 Wall Street Journal article, “Climate of Fear,” debunks the alarmists’ claims and is a good layman- level overview for those who want the key facts. For details on the climatology and politics, read Lindzen’s “Understanding Common Climate Claims,” available on the Internet.
Lindzen proves the flaws in alarmists’ computer models, which predict that a doubling of the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere will cause the global temperature to increase about 4 degrees centigrade.
Indeed, he shows that we are about three-fourths of the way to a doubling of the carbon dioxide since the late 19th century; it has increased from about 290 parts per million by volume (ppmv) to about 380 ppmv since the late 19th century, yet the Earth’s temperature has increased only 0.5 degrees C. By illustrating the complex make-up of the climate, Lindzen shows that a quadrupling of carbon dioxide would result in only a 1 degree C increase in the global temperature, hardly a reason for panic.
Soon’s and Baliunas’s work shows strong correlation of climate variations with the sun’s energy level, now at a 400-year high. Gore and his disciples avoid mentioning the sun, which is the main factor in climate.
Lindzen points out the well-known fact among knowledgeable climatologists that storminess requires less humid air. This fact alone debunks alarmists’ claim that global warming causes more humidity and will cause more storminess.
The current furor over “global warming” is pure politics and greed – create a crisis in peoples’ minds, and get money to study it or to advance a political agenda. To show how far ignorance can go, Hans Blix of U.N. weapons of mass destruction fame says global warming is a greater threat than terrorism.
In 1992, then-Sen. Gore conducted two congressional hearings, trying to bully dissenting scientists into changing their views and support his climate alarmism. He labels opponents of his belief as radical skeptics. Gore is also a strong supporter of the Kyoto Protocol to “reduce global warming,” even though knowledgeable climatologists have shown time and again that it will have no measurable effect on climate but a major negative impact on the world economy.
The political rhetoric has netted many thousands of dollars for Gore on his lecture circuit. In addition, it has intimidated some knowledgeable climate scientists and resulted in funding for more questionable global-warming-related projects at the expense of cuts in funds for those who are trying to do real scientific climatology work.
Americans need to get the facts, contact their senators and representatives and fight any funding for this junk science.
James K. Boomer is a resident of Fort Wayne.

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